Thursday, May 27, 2010

Deadline to pay for reunion in advance....

Hey class of 2000!  The reunion is just over a month away, hopefully you are all making plans to be there.  The deadline to pay in advance through this website is June 19.  If you have not paid by June 19 and are planning to come the cost is $20 per person at the door.  So if you want to save a few bucks pay in advance.  You can pay above.  The cost is $15 per person through this website.  Also, thanks to those who have e-mailed me pictures, keep them coming!  (My e-mail is  Also, please spread the word to any Warriors who are not on Facebook or who don't know about this blog.  We are doing our best to get in touch with everyone but we need your help.  Thanks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The class of